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Winter/Spring 2025

It’s the first day of spring, and the farm is covered in a carpet of green. Our citrus season is winding down and soon we’ll be harvesting spring veggies and apricots.

We’re also looking forward to the increase in egg production from our laying hens as the days get longer. Eggs are a hot commodity this year. Over 150 million chickens have been culled across the U.S. due to Bird Flu. This has caused limited egg supplies and greatly increased egg prices in grocery stores. People are “flocking” to our Farm Stand for eggs these days and we sell out quickly every week. Soon we will have more eggs as our older hens will start laying more, and we have 30 new pullets that will begin laying in about a month.

carton of eggs

New on the farm – At the end of 2024, we set up a produce donation program. We are donating surplus produce from the farm to local food distribution organizations. Our hope is that fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables will enhance the nutritional value of meals for those in need of assistance. This program also benefits the farm, as none of our produce goes to waste. Whatever is leftover on the farm, we compost and feed to the chickens.

Our Farm Stand customer base has grown this last year and we are so grateful for the support. We especially appreciate our loyal long-time customers. Sadly, though, as more people have found us, we have been experiencing more theft from the Farm Stand. And, believe it or not, some people have even gone as far as stealing fruit right off of our trees! All I can say is, please don’t steal. We work hard and keep our prices low. If you are in need, come and talk to us, or check out the many local free food distribution opportunities.

That’s it for now – gotta get out and do some mowing. Happy Spring Equinox!

Picture of citrus in the Farm Stand

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